Company History

The brand name of the company:

Full:       «ԱՐՑԱԽ ՀԷԿ» Բաց Բաժնետիրական Ընկերություն
Abbreviated:  «ԱՐՑԱԽ ՀԷԿ» ԲԲԸ
Full: Открытое Акционерное Общество “АРЦАХ ГЭК”
Abbreviated: ОАО “АРЦАХ ГЭК”
Full: “ARTSAKH HEK” Open Joint Stock Company
Abbreviated: “ARTSAKH HEK” OJSC

The company was established by the NKR Government decision N484 of 1, November, 2007 (received the state registration with the name «ARTSAKH HEK», and «Closed joint stock company» as an organizational-legal form on 12, December, 2007) according to which the 100 % shares owner was the NKR, represented by the Government.

“ARTSAKH HEK” CJSC was established by means of dividing and reorganization of      “ARTSAKHENERGO”CJSC (registered in the State Register department of NKR Ministry of Justice on 28.02.2005, registration number: 443.120.20892, certificate: 001350) and is its successor, according to the dividing balance.
According to the Government decision N 360  of 13 May, 2008 on “Reorganization of “ARTSAKH HEK” closed joint stock company (registered in the State Register department of NKR Ministry of Justice on 12.12.2007, registration number: 443.120.11328, certificate: 02 ² 001980) was restructured by means of reorganization into “ARTSAKH HEK” Open Joint Stock Company. Since 2008, June 9 the company has been having the brand name and organizational-legal form of “ARTSAKH HEK” OJSC.
The company has recieved its first registration in the State Register department of the NKR Ministry of Justice on 12.12.2007 (registration number: 443.120.11328, certificate: 02 ² 001980). Since the state registration up to now the company has been implementing the actual activity.

Artsakh HEK OJSC Installed Capacity 71.7 MW
Sarsang HPP50 MWTrghi-1 HPP3 MWTrghi-2 HPP5.9 MWTrghi-3 HPP5 MWTrghi-3 HPP0.8 MW
Production of Artsakh HEK OJSC
2011104.2 million kW-h2012133.2 million kW-h2013142.6 million kW-h2014166.4 million kW-h2015140.3 million kW-h2016191.8 million kW-h2017181.4 million kW-h2018190.8 million kW-h2019184.9 million kW-h